Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Episode 27

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Today's episode: "The Melting of the Iceberg", Part 2

Yesterday, we began our third serial with Conrad filling out a birthday card to give to his sister Darlene on her upcoming 30th birthday.  However, Cy believes that it is pointless as he describes Darlene as a human iceberg.  As we begin today, Cy has filled in Phil on the human iceberg as Conrad has left the room for a minute...


Just then, Conrad comes back into the room, the birthday card now sealed in a large enevlope.
"Good morning, Phil." says Conrad.
"Good morning, Conrad. Cy was just telling that your sister's birthday is tomorrow." says Phil.
"I know, and I have an idea on how we can help her celebrate." says Conrad.
"And what idea would that be?" asks Cy.
"A surprise party." says Conrad.
"That's a good idea. She'll really be surprised by the lack of people there." says Cy.
"There'll be people there." says Conrad.
"If you think you can sucker me and Phil into attending, you're nuts." says Cy.
"Please, do it for me." says Conrad.
"I signed that card for you. Don't push what little luck you have." says Cy.
"It would help, if what you say is true." says Conrad.
"I know what I say is true, but that doesn't mean I should do something about it." says Cy.
"Do it then for your mother, who would make you do it." says Conrad.
"If only on my mother's late soul I do this, I accept." says Cy.
"I better go along, too, if my threat is the loss of my job." says Phil.
"Then we have three people to attend my sister's 30th birthday party. I'll see you there." says Conrad, who then leaves the room.
"What would your mother say if she were around to hear you talk about Darlene?" asks Phil.
"I talked like that about Darlene in my mother's presence and she told me that all people have the ability to be human, just that some don't have the ability to use it." says Cy.
"Smart woman, she was." says Phil.
"Don't I know it?" says Cy.
At the police station, Elmer is busy pulling the bow across his fiddle, playing "One of These Days" by Emmylou Harris, with Polly singing the lyrics as she mops a section of floor. Her voice is filling every corner of the room with sound.
"Youw singing is vewy good today." says Elmer during the bridge.
"My singing's good everyday." says Polly.
"Shame mowe peopwe can't heaw it." says Elmer as he stops playing.
"Plenty of people hear me sing." says Polly.
"Onwy when they end up in the jaiws." says Elmer.
"Well, my friends hear it, too." says Polly.
"How about those peopwe out thewe?" asks Elmer.
"One of these days, Elmer." says Polly.
"When wiww that day come?" asks Elmer.
"Someday." says Polly.
"Someday soon?" asks Elmer.
"Quit that. You've been on my case about this for days." says Polly.
"Powwy, you'we my fwiend and I don't want that tawent to go unnoticed." says Elmer.
"My talent isn't going unnoticed." says Polly.
"Reawwy? You think any of those pwisonews care about youw tawent?" asks Elmer.
"Well... I have been thinking of taking my act to a larger audience." says Polly.
"Good fow you. Whewe awe you going?" says Elmer.
"Where should I go?" asks Polly.
"How about Cathy's Tavewn? I pway thewe a wot and I think you'ww fit in gweat." says Elmer.
"I'll go there this afternoon." says Polly.
"That's the spiwit. I'ww even back you up." says Elmer as he resumes his fiddle playing.
Cy and Conrad soon do their show after Barry and Terry and the two manage to squeak through once again. As the two exit the studio, Cy begins to speak, "Conrad, I think I'll go to the library today. For some reason, I feel like reading."
"Good for you, Cy." says Conrad.
"I think I'll read what I was reading last time and pick up where I left off." says Cy.
"I hope that you remember where you left off." says Conrad.
"I do very well." says Cy as he makes his way out of the control room.
Cy soon makes his way down the corridor to the front of the building, passing Phil on the way, reading as well. Cy walks out of the radio station and makes his way to the library itself.
The library is an unassuming little building in downtown Hyperion. As Cy walks up to it, he is whistling a happy tune. He soon quiets down as he enters. He looks around and finds his way pass the main desk.
Cy soon moves into the tall rows of shelves that make up the library's collection. He scans the bindings of the books, reading the titles, looking for the one he wants. He soon reaches the far side of the library and finds what he is looking for.
"A adventure from Mr. E.R. Burroughs. How are things back in Pellucidar?" says Cy as he pulls the book from the shelves.
He walks over to one of the many reading tables and pulls out a chair and sits down. He places his feet upon the table, opens the book back to where he left off, and begins reading.


Tomorrow, a figure decends upon Cy and gives him reason to an argument, whose result launches Cy into a chance of a lifetime.

Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.

This is the Mutual Broadcasting System.
All rights reserved.
A production of WGN Chicago.

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