Friday, June 25, 2010

Episode 15

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Today's episode: "The Streets of This Town", Part 3

Yesterday, Cy finally arrived at WHYP. As he waited for Phil, he was met by Mr. Gold, who told him that he is to host the law relations program, which Cy accepted. Phil soon arrived and as we begin, Cy and Phil are waiting for Conrad...


Just then, the phone rings in the green room. Cy rushes over and picks it up.
"Johnny Dollar... I mean, Cy Scott." says Cy.
"Hello, you have a phone call." says Loni, the radio station secretary at the front
"Who from?" asks Cy.
"It's Conrad, dear." says Loni.
"Put me through." says Cy.
"Cy, Cy?" says Conrad.
"Conrad, why aren't you here, as if I didn't know?" asks Cy.
"That cold you were warning me about finally caught me and I can't get enough to get out of bed." says Conrad.
"Did you try?" asks Cy.
"I took some cold medication and I'm half-asleep as it is." says Conrad.
"Well, what do I do now?" asks Conrad.
"You stay home until your body wins its war against this cold." says Cy.
"I guess I have no choice, but what about my job?" says Conrad.
"I'll use Phil today. It's time for a promotion." says Cy.
"Okay, but only for you." says Conrad, who then hangs up.
"Who was it, Cy?." asks Phil.
"It's Conrad. The flu has got him in bed." says Cy.
"Well, even someone like Conrad isn't immune from diaease." says Phil.
"My mother wasn't. Why should I be immune?" says Cy.
"Shall we rehearse my radio debut?" asks Phil.
"Relax. You already know what to do." says Cy.
"Excuse me?" asks a man standing in the doorway.
He is dressed in a brown jacket. Underneath it is a blue button shirt, with the
jacket hiding a prison number printed on it. In his hand is a guitar case.
"Thomas?" says Phil.
"Who is this?" asks Cy.
"It's my former bully, Thomas Cinder." says Phil.
"Phil, nice to see you." says Thomas.
"I wish I could say the same." says Phil.
"I see." says Thomas.
"I think I'll go to the control room. I'll leave you two alone." says Cy, who then
departs the green room.
"How did you find me here?" asks Phil as he walks to a chair across from Thomas.
"I asked an old friend of mine where you were and he told me that you worked
here." says Thomas.
"I see. What is it that you needed to see me about?" says Phil.
"Well, I just got out of prison, you know, and I decided to come back here." says
"I knew that you would go to prison." says Phil.
"I had that coming. When I was young, I did many a bad thing, including bullying
you." says Thomas.
"Well, I grew up nicely." says Phil.
"Good. Now, when I got here, I tried to start a new life." says Thomas.
"That's helpful." says Phil.
"And I wish to start by making you one of my friends." says Thomas.
"No way, Thomas." says Phil.
"Come on, give me a chance." says Thomas.
"In what way?" asks Phil.
"Please, I'm beggin' ya." says Thomas.
"Forget it." says Phil.
"Well, I hope you could help me." says Thomas.
"Me, help you? You're bonkers." says Phil.
"I know, but I can't help it. I need to figure out things." says Thomas.
"Well, my memories of the past say I shouldn't help you." says Phil.
"You almost did, once." says Thomas.
"I remember, and I turned you down." says Phil.
"Yes, I know that, but I was hoping that you would accept this offer." says
"You are definitely losing your mind." says Phil.
"I think I am." says Thomas as he gets up from his chair.
"Listen, I wish I could help." says Phil as he gets up.
"I wish you could, too." says Thomas as he and Phil walk to the door.
"Well, I guess I have no more to say." says Phil as they exit the green room.
"I guess so. See ya." says Thomas as he walks away, down the hallway, towards
the front door.
Phil, a little confused, walks his way from the green room to the control room,
where he finds Cy watching Barry and Terry finishing up their show.
"So, how did your talk with Thomas go?" asks Cy.
"Oh, it went... well." says Phil.
"Come on, Phil. Tell me, what did he want?" says Cy.
"He wanted me to help him." says Phil.
"Help him with what?" asks Cy.
"He wanted me to help him start a new life." says Phil.
"What's wrong with that?" asks Cy.
"How can I have feelings of friendship between us when there isn't any?" says
"Are you sure you two weren't friends?" queries Cy.
"I'm sure. I remember no memory of me and Thomas being friends." says Phil.
"Did he say anything else?" asks Cy.
"Nothing, just that he wished us to be friends now." says Phil.
"Well, most ex-cons have a hard time staying out of trouble." says Cy.
"I guess it was the workings of a tortured mind." says Phil.
"I guess so." says Cy.


Next week, Cy goes on the air with Phil, does the same for the law, and a romance grows between a cop and an intern.

Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.

Produced at WGN Chicago. All rights reserved.
This is the Mutual Broadcasting System.
"The feeling's always Mutual"

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