Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Episode 8

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Today's episode: "The Beginnings of a Legacy", Part 8

Yesterday, Cy and Conrad got the job to locate the missing pinball machine. Meanwhile, Phil met with his crush, Officer Grace, for a brief meeting. Cy and Conrad then interviewed the noonday host, who gave no clue. When we left off, the two had left the studio...


Cy and Conrad then leave the control room and walk his way back to the green room. As they open the door, they find Phil engaged in reading a magazine and no sign of Officer Grace.
"Where's Officer Grace?" asks Cy.
"She went to file the report. She thought she had no more information for you,
Cy." says Phil, putting down his book.
"I see, and do you?" says Cy.
"Sorry." says Phil.
"Well, I believe that we're within reach of a trail. We just gotta find it." says Cy.
"What makes you think you can find anything?" asks Phil.
"For the first time in many days, I'm getting a real rush from trying to solve this mystery and I ain't gonna stop until I do." says Cy.
"And what about the meantime?" asks Phil.
"Well, it's clear that I need more information. I talked to Barry and Terry and they had nothing, as usual. I also spoke with Chuck, the noonday guy, and he told me that he saw them taking out the old machine yesterday." says Cy.
"What does it sound like to you?" asks Phil.
"That I need to investigate further. I think I'll talk to whoever donated the machine." says Cy, who then turns and leaves the room, along with Conrad.
"Those two. How bored must they be to do this?" says Conrad.
Cy and Conrad then walk their way back to Mr. Gold. As they re-enter the office, Mr. Gold is on the phone with someone.
"I know that. I know how valuable that machine was to you. I have someone
looking into it." says Mr. Gold, with the last line said as he turned his eyes to Cy.
"I see you're talking to whoever donated the machine." says Cy.
"I'm sorry, my investigator and his friend is in my office. I'll talk to you later."
says Mr. Gold, who then hangs up the phone.
"I came here to ask you about the donors of the machine, the Shulmans. I see
you're in contact with them. All I need from you right now is the address." says Cy.
"Like you're gonna get it." says Mr. Gold.
"Then the Shulmans will stop donating money to this station." says Cy.
"Here's the address, detectives." says Mr. Gold as he writes it down on a piece of
"Thanks, Mr. Gold." says Cy as he takes the piece of paper.
"Yeah. I'm sure they'll tell you what you want." says Mr. Gold.
Cy and Conrad then leave the room and head back to the green room. As Cy and Conrad enter the room, Phil is still reading the same book.
"Guess who's the donors of the machine?" asks Cy as he closes the door.
"Who?" asks Phil, putting his book down.
"The Shulmans." says Conrad.
"They're the third-richest people in town." says Cy.
"I know. The head of the family made his fortune in coffee." says Phil.
"They made quite a fortune." says Conrad.
"Right, and their main stock is in their own company, Shulman Coffee. That
would explain their need to advertise on this station. They seem the kind of people to
have received a 1973 Goldman & Todd deluxe pinball machine." says Cy.
"Are you gonna see them?" asks Phil.
"If they want their pinball machine back." says Cy, who then turns to leaves.
"Listen, Cy, are you sure you want to do that? What if Mr. Gold finds out?" asks
"Trust me, Conrad. If we are to solve this case, we must trace the machine back
to its source, or to its last known location." says Cy.
"I just hope you know what to do." says Conrad.
"Me, too." says Cy.
Cy and Conrad then walk down the hallway and into the lobby of the station.
They leave the station and walk their way downtown, to the address of the Shulmans. As
they walk up their driveway, they notice the up-scale design of the house.
"This looks to be a big house." says Conrad.
"Yes, Conrad. One can make his life's fortune in coffee if he knows how to sell
it." says Cy.
"Let's just hope Mr. Shulman's wealth hasn't made him unable to talk to the lower
classes." says Cy.
"Why are we even doing this?" asks Conrad.
"Because we have to." says Cy.
"What if Mr. Shulman knows who we are?" asks Conrad.
"The way Mr. Gold treats us, he would have told Mr. Shulman nothing about us.
All he thinks is Barry and Terry." says Cy.
"He's bound to have heard us anyway, Cy." says Conrad.
"Conrad, if what our ratings, that Mr. Gold gives us, are true, we are in no danger
of being found out." says Cy as he and Conrad reach the front doors.
The two large, oak-carved front doors stand to note the wealth inside.
"I don't know, Cy. I mean, someone in that head must have heard of us." says Conrad.
"Conrad, we are in no danger." says Cy, who then knocks on the door.
"I hope you're right, Cy, since we can't afford to lose our jobs." says Conrad.
After a minute, the door opens as Cy lifts his hat above his head and says, "Good day to you."
"Who are you two?" asks a man, looking a little older than the duo, dressed in dress pants, white button shirt with red tie.
"We're Scott and Harris, private eyes. We've been hired by Mr. Gold to look for the missing pinball machine." says Cy.
"Please come in." says the man.
"Thank you very much." says Cy, who then walks inside along with Conrad.
"It's nice to see people at work finding that machine." says the man.
"Do you mind telling us who you are?" asks Cy.
"I'm Joe Shulman III." says the man.
"So, your father is the man we should speak to." says Cy.
"I'll get him if you wish to speak to him." says Joe III.
"Please." says Cy.
"I'll be right back." says Joe III, who then walks away.
"We made it so far, Conrad." says Cy.
"Yeah, but for how long?" asks Conrad.


Tomorrow, Cy and Conrad continue their visit to the Shulman house, and meet up with a very important member of the household.

Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.

Produced at WGN Chicago. All rights reserved.
This is the Mutual Broadcasting System.

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