Friday, July 23, 2010

Episode 35

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Today's episode: "The Melting of The Iceberg", Part 10

Yesterday, Darlene had her celebration, honoring her re-birth at Cathy's Tavern.  The next morning, Cy relayed the news to intern Phil and was relived to find that Conrad wasn't there, in the effort of keeping the news from him, not knowing how he would take it.  Curious to see if it lasted, Cy and Phil decide to head down to the local library...


Later that morning, Cy and Phil walk their way into the library, with Cy still holding the book.
"Here we are, the library." says Cy.
"I wonder where Darlene is." says Phil.
"The only think I'm hoping is that the ice hasn't reformed." says Cy.
"You better turn in the book." says Phil.
"Good idea." says Cy, who then walks over to the reception desk just as Darlene emerges from a back room.
"Hi ya, Cy!" says Darlene in a happy tone.
"Hi, Darlene." says Cy as he notices Darlene's appearence.
She is dressed in a peasant skirt and shirt, with her hair down and curled out, and upon her head, a fisherman's hat with a upturned brim in the front. Her usual appearence beforehand had always been something out of the 19th century.
"Returning the book, I see?" asks Darlene.
"That I am." says Cy.
"That's a nice read, you know." says Darlene.
"Darlene, have you looked at yourself this morning?" asks Phil.
"Oh, Phil! How's WHYP's favorite intern?" says Darlene.
"I'm the only intern and I'm doing fine." says Phil.
"Good to hear. So, Cy, planning on checking out another book?" says Darlene.
"Now that you mention it, I have something I've been dying to look over for some time now." says Cy as he places his book on the desk.
"Come on, show me where it is." giggles Darlene as she takes Cy by the arm again and leads him into the library, with Phil following behind.
"So, this is the new, human Darlene?" says Phil.
"That it is." says Cy.
"So, Darlene, how does it feel to be human?" asks Phil.
"So subtle." says Cy.
"It feels great. I don't know how you put up with the human iceberg." says Darlene.
"Me, neither." says Cy.
"So, tell me, what book do you wish?" asks Darlene.
"It's an old Jack London book, The Scarlet Plague." says Cy.
"Well, sit down over here and I'll get it for you." says Darlene as she leads him and Phil to the same table he sat at two days ago.
"Thank you, Darlene." says Cy.
"You're welcome." says Darlene as she lets go of Cy's arm and darts off into the science fiction section.
"I wonder why Darlene is so eager to do things for you." says Phil.
"Maybe she's making up for what happened two days ago." says Cy as he sits down at the table.
"What did she do two days ago?" asks Phil.
"She told me to not put my feet up. I didn't do so and ended up getting thrown out, even though this is a public library." says Cy.
"Even public libraries have rules, Cy." says Phil.
"Not the way the old human iceberg Darlene had it. She felt that in a library, one must do nothing but read or risk being banned." says Cy.
"She wasn't that cold, was she?" asks Phil.
"One day, she actually banned a three-year-old from the library for bumping into her and spilling a load of books. Luckily, the head librarian threw it out the minute he heard about it." says Cy.
"Good think that there were safeguards against the human iceberg." says Phil.
"Not only that, she actually wanted to impose a age limit on being able to enter the library." says Cy.
"You're kidding." says Phil.
"The age limit she wanted to set was 13. This would reduce the ability of young kids to read and would destroy the youth of Hyperion." says Cy.
"Good thing that it was voted down." says Phil.
"She mentioned it every day. They would never even think it or give it a second thought." says Cy.
"I wonder how long this human Darlene will last." says Phil.
"I wonder that, too." says Cy.
"Here you go, Cy, your book." says Darlene as she returns with Cy's requested book in her hand.
"Thank you, Darlene." says Cy.
"Put your feet up." says Darlene as she lifts them onto the table.
"You don't mind?" asks Cy.
"Go ahead. I'm a different person now." says Darlene.
"That I know." says Cy.
"Oh, Cy, I wish to say I'm sorry for all I did to you as a human iceberg." says Darlene.
"All is forgiven." says Cy.
"I don't think that's enough. I wanna invite you and your girl Joanne to dinner at my house tonight. Drinks are on me." says Darlene.
"Which allows me to invite this question, how much have you drank since our last meeting?" says Cy.
"I've been nipping at last year's bottle of whiskey." says Darlene.
"It should taste very good." says Cy.
"Say, Darlene, you're not on the verge of becoming an alcoholic?" asks Phil.
"Oh, Phil, I'm only trying to make up for lost time by drinking up my birthday presents from Cy." says Darlene.
"Well, is your drinking under control?" asks Phil.
"I know it was one big drink that melted me, but I know when to cut back." says Darlene.
"Let's hope it stays that way." says Phil.
"Don't I know it?" giggles Darlene, who then runs off towards the front of the library.


Next week, Cy and Phil finish their visit with the melted Darlene, a rehearsal takes place with eyes on the future, and a brother decides to stick up for a sibling, even if a friend doesn't feel that anyone needs help except the brother.  Talk about a mouthful there.

Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.

A production of WGN Chicago.  All rights reserved.

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