Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Episode 37

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Today's episode: "The Melting of the Iceberg", Part 12

Yesterday, we began our third week by concluding Cy and Phil's visit to the library to meet the melted Darlene.  The end of the visit ended up being the duo joining the young ones in storytime, featuring first-time storyteller Darlene.  Cy then headed home and had his scheduled rehearsal with Polly and Elmer in preparation for her up-coming gig.
As the evening begins, Cy and Joanne have taken up Darlene's offer on a free dinner at her home.  As we begin today, Cy and Joanne are about to go inside...


As Cy and Joanne enter the house, a radio is playing some smooth jazz as the two are leading into Darlene's dining room.
"Where's Conrad?" asks Cy.
"In his room, sulking." says Darlene.
"How have you been getting around him?" asks Cy.
"I live up in the attic, so it's easy to get by him." says Darlene.
"So, what have you prepared today?" asks Cy.
"I have some brisket, beef brisket. I wanted to impress you, Joanne." says Darlene.
"You didn't have to do that." says Joanne.
"That's right, I once caught Joanne eating bacon." says Cy.
The trio soon reach the dining room table.
"Here we are." says Cy.
"Take your seats." says Darlene.
"It was certainly nice for you to invite us to dinner." says Joanne.
"I wish to make amends for my behavior and this is a step in the right direction." says Darlene.
"You're certainly doing well with that." says Cy.
"Witty observation, Cy." says Darlene.
"You're actually calling him 'Cy' now?" asks Joanne.
"That's a mark of the new me. I actually now call Cy the way his mother did." says Darlene.
"That's good to hear. So, Cy, how did your practice go today?" says Joanne.
"What do you mean?" asks Darlene.
"Me and Elmer have accepted an engagement to be Polly's backing band when she makes her public singing debut at Cathy's Tavern tomorrow." says Cy.
"So, how did the practice go?" asks Darlene.
"It went well. I think me and Elmer are up to specs when it comes to backing Polly." says Cy.
"Did Thomas join in?" asks Joanne.
"He declined an invite to join. However, he will attend tomorrow's concert, which I also invite you two to." says Cy.
"I accept." says Joanne.
"Me, too. You know, you're gonna have to introduce me to this Thomas character. He sounds pretty interesting." says Darlene.
"When I got him in as a boarder, you told me I was the craziest person in Hyperion for doing so." says Cy.
"That was the old human iceberg that said that. This is the melted, human Darlene and I say it's nice to see Cy undertake such an effort." says Darlene.
"I didn't realize my efforts were so noteworthy." says Cy.
"Joanne, you have yourself quite a catch." says Darlene.
"Two days ago, you said I was crazy for just being with him." says Joanne.
"And I do apologize for that, Joanne. I now see Cy as a catch to be had." says Darlene.
"And I have him." says Joanne.
"Are you into him because of his heritage, as he calls it?" asks Darlene.
"A little. I've never been with anyone whose mother was famous." says Joanne.
"Would you ever have children with him?" asks Darlene.
"Why not, he wouldn't be a bad father." says Joanne.
"I think I would be a good father." says Cy.
"Look at us, Joanne, talking like old friends." says Darlene.
"Well, I certainly am a friend to you now." says Joanne.
"I've never had a friend before." says Darlene.
"Now you do." says Joanne.
"Come on, you hens, let us order." says Cy.
Darlene and Joanne then proceed to cackle like hens at Cy's statement.
"I think we should." says Darlene.
The next day, Cy waltzes down the hallway to the green roon as he hums a song. As he walks into the green room, he spies Phil reading the paper.
"Good day, good day, good day to all." says Cy.
"Cy, what is with you this morning?" asks Phil.
"I had the best time of my life with Darlene and Joanne at dinner last night." says Cy.
"Social dinners are always big." says Phil.
"But the biggest thing was that Darlene finally gained a true friend in the form of Joanne. You should seen how those two got together." says Cy.
"Two warm human beings, I guess." says Phil.
"Boy, I tell ya. I knew I was giving Darlene those bottles of whiskey for a reason. I didn't know they were human iceberg melters." says Cy.
"Speaking of former human icebergs." says Phil, pointing to the door.
Sure enough, entering the room is Darlene.
"Good morning, my friend." says Darlene.
"Good morning, Darlene. What are you doing here?" says Cy.
"Oh, Cy. I'm here to say thank you for granting me a chance to really met Joanne and finally make a friend." says Darlene.
"I accept. It was nothing." says Cy.
"Are you kidding? For the last 30 years, I was a human iceberg, cold to the world. I could care less that I was friendless. Now, that I've melted, I really care that I now have a friend to call my own." says Darlene.
"Thanks, and Darlene, count me as another friend." says Cy.
"Me, too, Darlene." says Phil.
"Thank you, guys. I needed that. I really do." says Darlene as she gives them both a hug.
"Darlene, are you still on last year's bottle?" asks Cy.
"I finished that this morning. I just lifted the top of the bottle from two years ago." says Darlene.
"It won't be long before they're all gone." says Cy.
"And I hope by then I have drank enough to keep the ice from re-forming." says Darlene.


Tomorrow, Conrad arrives from work and a new way of life may be short-lived, if he has anything to do with it.

Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.

A production of WGN Chicago.  All rights reserved.

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