Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Episode 102

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Today's episode: "The Temporary Parent", Part 6

Yesterday, we began the week with Cy delivering Darlene to report as the first temporary parent, in charge of the foundling.  Darlene manages to win the job and she takes the baby into her arms and gives her the love every child need.  However, Darlene is worried how brother Conrad will take to sudden unclehood, along with Cy.
As we begin today, we head to the Harris house...


At Conrad and Darlene's house, Conrad sits in the easy chair, reading the newspaper as Cy silently opens the door and walks inside. He spies Conrad and quietly walks over to where Conrad is.

"Hello, Conrad." says Cy.

"Hello, Cy. What brings you here?" says Conrad.

"Something." says Cy.

"What something?" asks Conrad.

"Something interesting." says Cy.

"How interesting?" asks Conrad.

"Very interesting." says Cy.

"How very?" asks Conrad.

"Very." says Cy.

"Out with it, Cy." says Conrad.

"You think you're ready?" asks Cy.

"You're leading up to something." says Conrad.

"I might be." says Cy.

"I think you are." says Conrad.

"Well, I guess you're right." says Cy.

"I knew it." says Conrad.

"What I'm leading up to is very important, it seems." says Cy.

"What are you leading up to?" asks Conrad.

"It concerns your sister and housemate Darlene." says Cy.

"What about Darlene?" asks Conrad.

"Oh, she's doing fine." says Cy.

"Is she becoming her old self again?" asks Conrad.

"You know that her re-freezing is not a happy thing." says Cy.

"So, it's a happy thing?" asks Conrad.

"For her. For you, I'm not sure." says Cy.

"What would happy for her but not me?" asks Conrad.

"What makes you think that it might not be happy for you?" asks Cy.

"Because of what you just said." says Conrad.

"It could be happy for you. All I said that I wasn't sure it would be." says Cy.

"Cy, you're circling around something." says Conrad.

"Oh, am I?" asks Cy.

"I think you are." says Conrad.

"I might be doing that." says Cy.

"Cy, I'm not in the mood for riddles." says Conrad.

"How about one?" asks Cy.

"Go ahead, if it will help me." says Conrad.

"What's in a box and makes a lot of noise?" asks Cy.

"That's not a riddle." says Conrad.

"It is to me. Come on, give me an answer." says Cy.

"I give up." says Conrad.

"A baby in a box." says Cy.

"What an answer." says Conrad.

"And yet, that answer is the center of of what I'm leading up to." says Cy.

"That doesn't make any sense." says Conrad.

"Then, perhaps another riddle. What do a baby in a box, your sister, and you have in common?" says Cy.

"I give up, Cy." says Conrad.

"That all share the same house." says Cy.

"What does that mean?" asks Conrad.

"It means that this afternoon, I happened upon a abandoned baby girl that was left at the police station. I took her inside and felt like she's needed someone to take care of her." says Cy.

"And where does my sister come in?" asks Conrad.

"Well, she told me that her material instincts had kicked in and that she wanted a baby so badly." says Cy.

"Left me finish. So you had Darlene take the baby home with her." says Conrad.

"Only temporary. An idea I'm trying out." says Cy.

"What idea?" asks Conrad.

"Temporary parents. Sort of like a 24-hour babysitter for the county or state. They take care of children until real homes can be found for them." says Cy.

"That idea is among the most interesting I've ever heard out of you." says Conrad.

"Darlene is my test case. If she works out, I may consider popularizing my idea and make it an official job." says Cy.

"What if the temporary parent can't let go of their charge?" asks Conrad.

"They can adopt their charge, when it needed." says Cy.

"How do you prevent large families?" asks Conrad.

"I'm thinking on putting a limit on how many charges a temporary parent can adopt." says Cy.

"Have you thought up a number?" asks Conrad.

"I'm thinking four charges in total." says Cy.

"Sounds like a credit card bill." says Conrad.

"Don't belittle this idea, Conrad." says Cy.

"I didn't like your birthday dare idea." says Conrad.

"Darlene challenged me, so I responded. Besides, I like the result." says Cy.

"Let's not get back on that track." says Conrad.

"Conrad, you're gonna be a temporary uncle. The decision has been made." says Cy.

"Sometimes, I wonder if you do think of others first when you offer these ideas." says Conrad.

"Is that a pointed question?" asks Cy.

"It might be." says Conrad.

"Now cut that out!" says Cy.

"You gave me the royal run-around." says Conrad.

"It doesn't work in reverse, brother." says Cy.

"I'm not related to you." says Conrad.

"But Darlene is, so show some common sense around her." says Cy.

"Is it safe to come in now?" asks Darlene as she enters the house.

"It is. I think Conrad is calm enough to handle it." says Cy.

"Conrad, meet your temporary nephew." says Darlene.

"I can't believe this is happening." says Conrad.

"Cheer up, Conrad. It's only temporary." says Cy.

"But how temporary?" asks Conrad.

Tomorrow, we begin another serial with the baby being taken to its brand-new home, and with Conrad voicing his opinion of the whole thing, which should be interesting.
Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.
A production of WGN Chicago.  All rights reserved.

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