Friday, October 8, 2010

Episode 90

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Today's episode: "The Truck Driving Man", Part 1

Yesterday, we concluded our eighth serial of the series with the daring escape from Al's house of Cy, Joanne, and Stacy, which ended in front of the police station, where Al was taken into custody.  Cy then took Stacy back to his house to be reunited with Renee. 
As we begin today, Cy and Joanne have arrived at the radio station and are relating their adventure to Conrad and Phil when Cy spies something...


Out of the corner of Cy's eye, he spies a big rig, parked in the parking lot. He stares at it for a minute before speaking.

"That's an odd thing." says Cy.

"What's odd?" asks Joanne.

"That big rig over there." says Cy.

"So what?" asks Conrad.

"It looks old." says Cy.

"That it does." says Phil.

"I wonder who would park a 18-wheeler in a radio station's parking lot?" asks Conrad.

"I have no idea." says Cy.

"I guess we should ask the driver." says Joanne.

"'Doe River Rambler'." says Cy, reading the lettering on the driver's side door.

"Nice name for a rig." says Phil.

"And a familiar one." says Cy as he starts walking over to the truck.

"What's he talking about?" asks Phil.

"It's familiar to me, too." says Conrad as he follows behind Cy.

"Do you have any idea?" asks Phil to Joanne.

"No idea, but Cy and Conrad must have one." says Joanne as she walks towards the rig, with Phil following behind.

"Guys, this truck is important to me." says Cy.

"Why is that, Cy?" asks Phil as he and Joanne arrive next to the truck, where Cy and Conrad are already standing.

"Because this truck belongs to someone important." says Cy.

"Please tell me." says Phil.

"This truck belongs to my father." says Cy.

"Your father?" asks Joanne.

"Yes. I had to have one, you know?" says Cy.

"I know, but I didn't know he was a truck driver." says Phil.

"You never asked." says Cy.

"I was beginning to think that he was like your mother, dead." says Phil.

"He's alive and well inside this rig." says Cy.

"'Doe River Rambler'?" asks Phil.

"He's from Elizabethton, Tennessee." says Cy.

"Can we meet this man?" asks Joanne.

"It is morning." says Cy as he walks over to the driver's side door.

"He's fast asleep in that thing." says Conrad.

"I know." says Cy as he knocks on the door.

"I can't believe we get to meet your father, Cy." says Phil.

"I never even heard of him, but I will enjoy meeting him." says Joanne.

"You'll be the only ones." says Conrad.

"What do you mean?" asks Phil.

"Maybe I should wait until Mitch is here." says Conrad.

"His name is Mitch?" asks Joanne.

"Mitch Jones, long-haul trucker since 1970." says Cy.

"That's a long time." says Phil.

"And that rig has been with him since the beginning." says Cy.

"Why get off a winner?" says Phil.

Next week, Cy's father makes his first visit to Hyperion, as those who meet him are taken in by his southern charms... except son Cy, who wants little to do with him.
Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.
A production of WGN Chicago.  All rights reserved.

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