Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Episode 88

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Today's episode: "An Act of Love", Part 7

Yesterday, Cy and Joanne had their discussion, where they discuss their relationship and how Cy skipped over Joanne when Thomas left and left room for her to move in with Cy.  Cy explained that he doesn't wish to remove Joanne from her world.  Cy then managed to get the relationship back on track with a few words and a promise for a picture.
As we begin, Cy and Joanne have arrived at Al's house and have begun their plan to free Stacy from his grasp...


Cy and Joanne quietly walk their way up to the house, Cy keeping an eye open for the bodyguards. Instead of walking to the front door, where the bodyguards are gathering, Cy leads Joanne to an open window on the side of the house.

"That should teach you to mess with me!" says the voice of Al from within as he leaves the room.

"Now's our chance." says Cy.

"For what?" asks Joanne.

"To talk to Stacy." says Cy.

"You're not asking me to climb in through the window?" asks Joanne.

"No, I'm merely suggesting." says Cy.

"Then I'll take your suggestion." says Joanne as Cy raises the window up quietly enough to allow someone in.

Quietly, Cy manages to climb through the window. When he's done, he pulls Joanne through the window. All this catches the attention of Stacy, who continues to sit.

"There. Told ya." says Cy.

"Some doubt, but not enough." says Joanne as Cy looks over at Stacy.

He sees that her face has a black eye and a couple of bruises.

"What has Al done to you?" asks Cy.

"You're not gonna hurt me, are you?" asks Stacy.

"We're not friends with Al." says Cy.

"But you sound like him." says Stacy.

"Being from New York, I have a certain quality in my voice." says Cy.

"What are you doing here?" asks Stacy.

"We're here to save you." says Cy.

"Save me from what?" asks Stacy.

"From Al." says Cy.

"I don't need saving. I'm fine." says Stacy.

"That black eye says differently." says Cy.

"What black eye?" asks Stacy.

"Joanne, help me out here." says Cy.

"Gladly." says Joanne.

"I'm telling you, I don't need help." says Stacy.

"Listen, you may think you deserve what he gives you, but no woman does. It's always wrong, no matter how you look at it." says Joanne.

"What do you know?" asks Stacy.

"I've seen a lot of women hurt by the one they love." says Joanne.

"But I don't love him." says Stacy.

"Then why stay with him?" asks Joanne.

"You've seen how this town works." says Stacy.

"These are very open-minded people at times." says Cy.

"It doesn't matter. I've lost Renee forever." says Stacy.

"Perhaps I haven't told you my name." says Cy.

"What is your name?" asks Stacy.

"I'm Cy Scott and Renee's my boarder." says Cy.

"And you must be that Joanne character." says Stacy.

"That I am." says Joanne.

"Renee thinks terribly of you." says Stacy.

"She tried to kill me for just being a New Yorker." says Cy.

"You don't have to do this." says Stacy.

"If my watch is right, it's after midnight and therefore Monday." says Cy.

"Today's Renee's birthday." says Stacy.

"And I've decided to make you my birthday present to her." says Cy.

"Don't you care what will happen to you if Al or his bodyguards catch you?" asks Stacy.

"That's like asking if a firing squad is made of good people." says Cy.

"I don't care, let them come." says Joanne.

"I'm not sure that's the attitude you should have right now." says Cy.

"Is there a streak of yellow on your back?" asks Joanne.

"Let me find a mirror and check, maybe one in Pittsburgh?" says Cy.

"We can fight them." says Joanne.

"Yeah, we can. Bring them on." says Cy.

"Here comes one now." says Stacy as the front door opens.

As it closes, Stacy sees that it is Gene, coming in for a quick break.

"Nice to take a break... " says Gene as he enters the living room.

"Hello, buddy boy." says Cy.

"Well, what do you know, a victim." says Gene.

"Not if I have anything to say about it." says Cy.

"You know, I see a young girl ready to be picked." says Gene.

"You take one stop toward my girl... " says Cy as Gene takes out a gun.

"Quiet as I pick the fruit off the tree." says Gene.

Gene walks slowly up to Joanne, with Joanne trying to back away with no success. Gene finally gets close to her and just as he is about to begin, Joanne's expression turns from worry to anger as she then punches Gene in the face.

She then starts hitting Gene all over, with Gene trying to fight back with no success. Cy and Stacy look on as Joanne manages to subdue Gene and cause him to fall to the floor.

"I didn't know you had it in ya." says Cy.

"A couple of years of Judo. Made black belt." says Joanne.

"And you gave him two black eyes." says Cy.

"Here comes another." says Stacy as the front door opens again.

Joanne manages to finish off the two other bodyguards. First Mike, and then Reese comes in and gets the same thing. In ten minutes, all three bodyguards are now on the floor, not dead but just in very bad shape.

"Those three were no match for Judo Joanne." says Cy, looking over the mess.

"And now, we can sneak Stacy out of here." says Joanne.

"Come on, Stacy." says Cy.

Cy, Joanne, and Stacy soon makes tracks for the door but as Cy starts to open the front door, he hears the cocking of a handgun. The three soon look behind him and see Al, covering them with a gun.

Tomorrow, the eighth serial of the series comes to a close with a duel to end all duels, and a plan with a finish you won't believe.
Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.
A production of WGN Chicago.  All rights reserved.

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