Friday, October 15, 2010

Episode 95

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Only 5 episodes left until the 100th episode!

Today's episode: "The Truck Driving Man", Part 6

Yesterday, Cy took his father on a tour of Hyperion.  Their stops included the police station, where Mitch meet Polly, Thomas, and Officer Grace, who made Mitch, a trucker, enemy to highway patrols, feel at home.  Their stops also included Tom's Place, where Cy worked out a deal for Polly to perform there every week, which went well.
As we begin, Cy and Mitch are sitting down to a celebratory drink...


"Mac, let's talk." says Mitch.

"About what?" asks Cy.

"Your life." says Mitch.

"What about my life?" asks Cy.

"How's it been these past five years?" asks Mitch.

"As well as can be." says Cy.

"It was hard to lose your mother." says Mitch.

"That's true." says Cy.

"Debralee meant a lot to me as a friend, but it must have been hard on you." says Cy.

"Here's your beers." says Tom, handling them to Cy and Mitch.

"Thanks. Tell me something I don't know." says Cy.

"Are you upset about somethin'?" asks Mitch.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." says Cy.

"C'mon, Mac. Tell your dad here what's on your mind." says Mitch.

"There's not much to tell." says Cy.

"There must be, seeing what friends you have 'round." says Mitch.

"They're nice people." says Cy.

"I know that. Anyone you don't like?" says Mitch.

"My rivals Barry and Terry." says Cy.

"I don't appeal to me, either." says Mitch.

"You've heard them?" asks Cy.

"I've may have listened to them and they don't really do much." says Mitch.

"You've been this way more than once." says Cy.

"Really, Mac... " says Mitch.

"You've been this way in the last five years and you've never detoured my way?" says Cy.

"I was always on a run, I couldn't." says Mitch.

"All right. I accept that." says Cy.

"Good. You're a very forgiving person." says Mitch.

"I know that." says Cy.

"Sometimes, Mac, you do remind me of your mother. She was a very forgiving person at times." says Mitch.

"Except when something stuck with her." says Cy.

"Is something stuck with you?" asks Mitch.

"I told you, nothing at all." says Cy.

"There must something buggin' ya this much." says Mitch.

"Just drink your beer." says Cy.

"If you say so." says Mitch.

Back at the police station, Stacy is finishing her testimony to Special Investigator Mason. As Stacy leaves the office, Officer Grace, Renee, and Chief McIntyre are standing around a desk while Polly and Thomas have moved to a corner of the room.

"You done with Stacy?" asks Chief McIntyre.

"I believe that with Ms. Castle's testimony, along with the testimonies of Ms. Wesner, the three goons of Mr. Turnan, and Turnan's own testimony, I think I can make a case." says Mr. Mason.

"That's great." says Renee.

"I can't believe what he did before he came here." says Officer Grace.

"He was running a pretty good racket and I think we can attach him to a unsolved murder." says Mr. Mason.

"That's interesting." says Polly, walking up to the desk.

"To think, we wouldn't have him if it wasn't for that Scott character and from the testimonies I've gathered, he risked life and limb to bring Turnan to justice." says Mr. Mason.

"Cy has a heart of gold, even if it is misplaced at times." says Polly.

"What do you mean?" asks Mr. Mason.

"Risking life for two sinners. I mean, you two are good people, but if you're better, you'd abandoned this business." says Polly.

"Miss McIntyre, what these two do is not important to us. What is important is that we brought a criminal to justice." says Mr. Mason.

"Something, Polly, two wrongs do make a right." says Thomas, walking his way over.

"Maybe. Cy is a trustworthy person." says Polly.

"And this city should thank him." says Mr. Mason.

"Would you like to collect your prisoner?" asks Chief McIntyre.

"I've sent for a special wagon. It'll been here any time now." says Mr. Mason.

"Maybe I should re-think my opinion of Cy." says Polly.

"Perhaps you should. After all, he did risk his life." says Thomas.

"How should I think?" asks Polly.

"Think about his mother and how she taught him right from wrong." says Thomas.

"How does that help?" asks Polly.

"What felt wrong to him enough to help?" asks Thomas.

"Chief McIntyre, the mayor's office will hear of Mr. Scott's efforts, I'll make sure of that." says Mr. Mason.

"I'm sure our mayor will honor him enough." says Chief McIntyre.

"If his mother were still alive, her praise would be enough for him." says Polly.

Just then, a honking noise is heard from outside.

"That must be the transport. Chief McIntyre... " says Mr. Mason.

"I'll get him." says Chief McIntyre, who then makes his way over to the jail cell room.

"Do I have to go?" asks Stacy.

"No, but we'll need you for the trial." says Mr. Mason.

"When will that be?" asks Stacy.

"We'll need some time to set up. We'll let you know." says Mr. Mason.

"Will you call Cy as a witness?" asks Polly.

"We might, depends on what we need." says Mr. Mason.

"Cy's standing in the world is growing." says Thomas.

"It must be. I can't recall when Cy was at the center of things." says Officer Grace.

"He deserves a medal, that's for sure." says Thomas.

"He'll probably get one." says Officer Grace.

"I wonder what plans he now has for my career?" asks Polly.

"Okay, Mr. Turnan, here you go." says Chief McIntyre as he walks out of the jail cell room with Al.

"Mr. Mason?" asks one of two guards as they enter the building.

"There's your prisoner." says Mr. Mason, pointing at Al.

"Come on, Mr. Turnan." says the other guard as they take Al from Chief McIntyre.

"I'll come with you." says Mr. Mason as he, the guards, and Al leave the building.

"It's all over." says Chief McIntyre.

"For now." says Officer Grace.

"Now, back to work." says Chief McIntyre as he retreats back in his office.

"Come on now, Polly, you heard what the man said." says Thomas.

Next week, one serial ends and another begins, where a course of events occurs that will change the lives of all involved, but then again, it's just life in Hyperion, as we all know it.
Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.
A production of WGN Chicago.  All rights reserved.

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