Thursday, October 21, 2010

Episode 99

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Only one more to go until the 100th episode!!

Today's episode: "The Temporary Parent", Part 3

Yesterday, Darlene told Cy all about her real desire to have a child of her own, after being such a hero to the children of Hyperion have stirred her maternal feelings inside.  Cy then went over her options, which didn't seem to strike her too well and he departed, with Darlene still thinking of motherhood.  Meanwhile, Officer Grace and Timmy shared a talk on being police officers.
As we begin, we head outside...


Back downtown, Cy is walking up the streets, his mind lost in a sea of thought over what had Darlene said. Suddenly, he sees something interesting off in the distance ahead.

After a moment, he sees that it's someone walks slowly over to the police station and leaving something by the door and walking away. Cy takes in the sight and decides to see what was left behind.

Cy quietly continues his walk. When he reaches the police station, he quietly turns onto the walkway up to the front door. When he reaches the front door, he looks around and sees that a box has been left behind.

Cy walks up to the box and looks inside. There, he is stunned to find that the box contains a small baby, covered in blankets and fast asleep. Cy then picks up the box and knocks on the door.

"I wonder who that is?" says Officer Grace as she gets up from the desk and walks over to the door.

"Be careful, it could be a murderer." says Officer Timmy.

"Murderers don't knock." says Thomas, walking by the desk with a broom in his hand.

"Keep sweeping." says Officer Timmy as Officer Grace opens the door.

"Good day, Cy. What brings you here?" says Officer Grace.

"This box." says Cy.

"What's in the box?" asks Officer Grace.

"First, may I enter?" asks Cy.

"You may." says Officer Grace as Cy then steps inside the station and heads over to the desk where Officer Timmy is.

"Hello, Officer Timmy. Arrested any civilians today?" says Cy.

"May you joke about the law?" asks Officer Timmy.

"If I answer, can I plead the fifth?" says Cy.

"Cy, show us what's in the box." says Officer Grace as she walks over.

"Here." says Cy as he opens the box.

"Is that a baby?" asks Officer Timmy.

"Don't arrest it." says Cy.

"It looks cute." says Officer Grace.

"That's a girl, or a she." says Cy.

"How can you tell?" asks Officer Grace.

"I've seen my mother's baby pictures. Trust me, I know." says Cy.

"How old is she?" asks Officer Grace.

"Seeing how pink she is and remembering a few television shows, I would guess just a few hours old." says Cy.

"What a way to enter the world." says Officer Grace.

"I'll go get Chief McIntyre." says Officer Timmy as he leaves.

"I hope it's not so he can arrest the baby." says Cy.

"Put your paranoia away for now, Cy." says Officer Grace.

"I will. Welcome to the world, little girl. I promise you that this isn't a good way to start out in life." says Cy.

"I wonder who left her here?" asks Officer Grace.

"I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't want a child." says Cy.

"It happens, Cy." says Officer Grace.

"It shouldn't. Babies should be welcomed, no matter what, and taken in, not thrown away as garbage." says Cy.

"This baby was left under the Safe Haven Law." says Chief McIntyre as he arrives at the desk.

"Good day, Chief McIntyre. I found this one outside your door. I thought I would bring it inside before the sun got to her." says Cy.

"Once again, you've done right." says Chief McIntyre.

"I was lucky enough. By the time this kid woke up, it could have been night and she would have died." says Cy.

"Ease up, Cy. The baby is safe." says Chief McIntyre.

"What are we gonna do with it?" asks Polly, standing behind Officer Grace.

"Well, I guess the main goal should be to find the lady a home." says Cy.

"First, let's call a doctor and see how healthy she is." says Chief McIntyre.

"Then get on the phone." says Cy.

"If you insist." says Chief McIntyre, who then walks away.

"This baby needs a home right away." says Cy.

"Relax, Cy. I'm sure the county will take her in until someone adopts her." says Officer Grace.

"That may be fine for you, but I think that someone ougtha watch over the baby with only the attention a parent can give." says Cy.

"The county hosiptal will take care of little Baby Doe just fine." says Officer Timmy.

"Baby Doe? That's another thing." says Cy.

"What's wrong with Baby Doe?" asks Officer Timmy.

"That's a bad name to give a newborn." says Cy.

"Standard practice is to let the adoptive parents name the child." says Officer Timmy.

"Maybe the baby can use a temporary name until she gets an offical name." says Cy.

"That's an interesting idea, Cy." says Polly.

"Maybe you would like to carry it out?" asks Cy.

"No thanks. I don't need any distractions from my career." says Polly.

"Do it for me." says Cy.

"No. Find someone else." says Polly.

"Officer Grace, my intern's girlfriend and noted friend to yours truly." says Cy.

"Your butter won't work on me." says Officer Grace.

"Any fathers?" asks Cy.

"No, Cy. I have enough trouble with my mother to deal with a baby." says Thomas.

"I don't need a baby on my record. I wish to remain unattached." says Officer Timmy.

"And I sure don't want it." says Chief McIntyre as he returns from his office.

"I'm still determined to get the baby a temporary parent until someone adopts it." says Cy.

"Why don't we just wait for the doctor to show up and give the baby an examination?" asks Chief McIntyre.

"Wait! I think I have an idea." says Cy.

Tomorrow, on our 100th episode, we find out what Cy's brilliant idea is, and as we all know from experience, Cy's ideas tend to lead to great adventures, don't they?
Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.
A production of WGN Chicago.  All rights reserved.

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