Friday, September 3, 2010

Episode 65

The Mutual Broadcasting System brings you another episode of Life in Hyperion.

Today's episode: "Believe Me When I Tell You", Part 11

Yesterday, Cy imparted the news that Mary had told him, that she was Thomas' mother, to Conrad and Phil, who gave their opinions on the news, but also on her name.  Phil manages to even suggest that Cy's life is turning into the famed show more and more.  Also, Conrad apologized for his behavior towards Cy at the library and Cy accepted.
As we begin today, Thomas has begun his first day as janitor for the Hyperion Police Department...


Down at the police station, Thomas is mopping the floor next to a desk where Officer Grace is sitting, where she is reading a folder. Meanwhile, Chief McIntyre watches from the doorway that connects to his office. Eventually, he goes to where Thomas is mopping.

"You're doing a good job for your first day." says Chief McIntyre.

"Work is work, that's how I see it." says Thomas.

"Great, great. I'm be in my office, Officer Baker. Keep in an eye on our new employee." says Chief McIntyre, who then goes into his office and closes the door.

"You heard the man, Thomas. Don't do anything wrong." says Officer Grace.

"How can you mop a floor wrong?" asks Thomas.

"You've been living with Cy too long. You're starting to sound like him." says Officer Grace.

"He does grow on you." says Thomas.

"Phil says that he often finds himself doing Cy-type activities." says Officer Grace.

"What is a Cy-type activity?" asks Thomas.

"You know, acting outside yourself. It also can be useless comments, wearing out-of-date clothing, and talking about one's mother constantly." says Officer Grace.

"Don't get me started on that last one." says Thomas.

"Touchy subject, is it?" asks Officer Grace.

"For most of my life, I believed my mother was dead." says Thomas.

"So's Cy's, if you haven't heard him every day refer to her in the past tense." says Officer Grace.

"Yesterday, a woman came over to the house and invited me and Cy over to her place, where she tells me that she's my mother." says Thomas.

"That's interesting. Is it true?" says Officer Grace.

"Cy believes it is." says Thomas.

"That's another Cy-type activity: believing in things beyond the facts at hand." says Officer Grace.

"What do I do about this?" asks Thomas.

"I have no idea." says Officer Grace.

"I wouldn't exactly go with Cy's beliefs on this. I mean, the woman's name is Mary Hartman." says Thomas.

"Mary Hartman? I can see your point." says Officer Grace.

"Just don't tell Cy." says Thomas.

"Maybe he truly believes in it despite her name." says Officer Grace.

"I would like some help in this." says Thomas.

"Don't look at me." says Officer Grace.

"Maybe I could go see her after work. What time do I get off?" says Thomas.

"6:00 pm." says Officer Grace.

"I hope I get paid well for a 12-hour work day." says Thomas.

"You will. You're the only one here with set work hours." says Officer Grace.

"That's nice to know." says Thomas.

In her apartment across town, Mary sits on the floor, turning her thoughts inward on her own mind as she meditates. As she continues to meditate further, a memory within her surfaces and her mind takes her through it as well as it can.

It is December of 1994 and little Thomas Cinder is playing in the snow-covered park just down the street from his house. Standing in front of him is his usual target, the young Phil Turner, cowering from Thomas, as he always does.

"Please don't harm me, Thomas." says Phil.

"I won't. It's too cold to get you today." says Thomas.

"That's good to know." says Phil.

"But when the holidays are over, I'll be back to do you in." says Thomas.

That comment sends Phil running away fast. Thomas gives out a laugh as he watches the sight unfold.

"That wasn't very nice." says a voice behind him.

Thomas turns around and sees Mary, standing behind him with her arms crossed, who has been watching the scene between Thomas and Phil.

"So, who are you and why should you care?" asks Thomas.

"You should care about what your father gonna say about it." says Mary.

"He has no idea I do this. I don't think his parents believe him if he ever tells them. They never do." says Thomas.

"Tho... young man, you shouldn't do that to people. You should always respect them." says Mary.

"You're not my mother! You can't tell me what to do!" says Thomas.

"I can if I want you." says Mary.

"I shouldn't be even talking to you, you're a stranger." says Thomas.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." says Mary.

"I don't want my father to see us talking. He's very hard on strangers." says Thomas.

"Is he hard on you?" asks Mary.

"He is, but he has to be. My mother's dead and he has to raise me." says Thomas.

"And is raising you well?" asks Mary.

"I don't wanna answer that." says Thomas.

"Then you don't have to." says Mary.

"Thanks." says Thomas.

"You're welcome." says Mary.

"I'm going home." says Thomas, who then walks away.

"Can't you stay longer?" asks Mary.

"I have to get home before my father comes looking for me." says Thomas.

"I understand." says Mary.

"I hope to see you later." says Thomas.

"Me, too." says Mary.

"I must go now." says Thomas.

"Take care... " says Mary as Thomas walks away, adding, " son." as soon he is out of earshot.

"I wonder who that lady was." thinks Thomas to himself.

Mary's mind then returns her to the present day, where she is still meditating. Her mind returns itself to its inner calm but Mary herself can't get over the memory and relives it once more, as if to punish herself.

The evening decends on Hyperion and inside her house, Darlene sits back in her chair, resting from a hard day. As she tries to relax, a knock is heard at the door. Curious, she makes her way to the door and opens it to find Thomas.

"Thomas, what are you doing here?" asks Darlene.

"I need your help." says Thomas.

"Can't it wait?" asks Darlene.

"No, I need it now." says Thomas.

"Well, come in and tell me." says Darlene.

"Thanks." says Thomas as he walks inside.

"What must I help you on?" asks Darlene as she closes the door.

"It's about a certain houseguest I had yesterday." says Thomas.

"Mary Hartman? What about her?" asks Darlene.

"Well, when I got back home yesterday, she invited us to her place for dinner." says Thomas.

"And did you go?" asks Darlene.

"Yes, I did, and when I go there, she actually told me that she was my mother." says Thomas.

"It is very interesting, but how can I help?" asks Darlene.

"I need you to come with me to her place." says Thomas.

"I just got in, and you want me to go out there again?" asks Darlene.

"I'm sorry, Darlene." says Thomas.

"Why not? I guess I should meet this woman who should be your wife." says Darlene.

"What?" asks Thomas, not catching the hint.

"Never mind." says Darlene.

Next week, we finished up the fifth serial of the series with the last two parts, which feature Thomas' visit to Mary's place, where he confront what she has said and the past he has behind him.  We then moved into our sixth serial of the series with news that will change Cy's life forever, for it leads to adventure and so much more.
Join us, won't you?
Yours truly, John Maxwell.
A production of WGN Chicago.  All rights reserved.

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